Wastewater Pump Specialists...
We have specialized in all manner of wastewater pumps, large and small, for over 23 years. Our pumps can be found in single family residences and in large commercial operations, as well as resort, farm, drainage, and industrial situations. We design and install pump systems for any sort of application where wastewater occurs and needs to be moved from one location to another. We have pumps available for rent to remedy temporary flooding problems, when a pump can be a more cost-effective and efficient solution than that offered by a vacuum truck. We have installed pumps for uses as diverse as decorative commercial fountain displays, all the way through to solving large farm irrigation challenges. We do new installations from the initial planning through to installation, testing, and ongoing maintenance.
Our commitment to you, our customer, is to install the pump and accompanying appropriate parts and fittings to best suit your needs, NOT the pump and fittings best suited to inflating our bill. Our focus is on matching your demands on your pump system, with the pump best able to meet those demands. This means a pump and an installation designed to last, with a pump that is neither over- nor under-sized for the job at hand. Your pump system should be only as elaborate as necessary to do the job, but not so complex and over-designed as to include unnecessary parts that will inevitably result in more equipment failures over the years, and far larger costs for you.
All of our installations are fully guaranteed as to both parts and labour, and we stand ready 24/7 to remedy any problems you may experience as the years go by. Our goal is to keep your system trouble-free, so that we only see you on the occasion of your regular system servicing. Unlike many installers, who perform an installation and then shift any responsibility for subsequent problems onto another company, we stand behind our work, and can be reached weekdays, evenings, weekends, and holidays, should a problem ever arise.
We install and service primarily Goulds Pumps which are known for their quality and durability industry-wide.
Call Us
Serving Lantzville to Deep Bay
Qualicum & North: 250-752-2921
Parksville & Nanoose: 250-248-3833
Lantzville: 250-390-2009
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